Inherits from SurveyModelForm : SurveyForm : NSObject
Declared in SurveyManagedModelForm.h


SurveyManagedModelForm is a subclass of SurveyModelForm, designed to allow form creation directly from a Managed Object Model subclass.

Subclassing Notes

Methods to Override

When subclassing SurveyManagedModelForm, you must override the following methods in order for the form to have access to properties. – managedObjectClass


Create forms from a ManagedObject subclass.

Class Methods


Returns the class of the ManagedObject subclass when creating the form.

+ (Class)managedObjectClass

Return Value

the class of the ManagedObject subclass when creating the form.


Returns the class of the ManagedObject subclass when creating the form.

Declared In
